New Dressing Gown in Stock

Floral Dressing Gown - Cuff Detail

I'd like to showcase a new style pure cotton dressing gown for 2023 that is now in stock and available to buy on the Victoria Goss website.

This dressing gown is called Floral Garden.  It is made in the familiar wrap around style, with two patch pockets and a tie belt, from ivory coloured fine Indian cotton, block printed in a pattern of flowers, leaves and butterflies in gloriously summery shades of reds, greens, pinks, oranges and blues. The trim to the pocket tops, cuffs and fronts is a plain mid-pink cotton with a row of tiny mid-pink pompoms to finish it.

Stunning over a plain white nightdress, this new lightweight dressing gown is one size to fit from a Uk size 8 to a size 16 making it a truly super gift idea as it takes all the guesstimate out of choosing a size and is ideal to take on holidays.

Find it here on the website :

And please keep watching for more new styles coming soon!


Victoria Goss
